Chiropractic Wellness Center, Inc. Services
See How We Can Help You
You can be healthier and feel better than you’ve been led to believe! We seek to meet your immediate needs and develop the long-term plan and doctor/patient relationship so your body can heal and feel better than you expected! Dr. Shelly sits one-on-one with you to learn how your complete health history and current needs In addition to meeting your immediate needs, we seek to learn about your complete health history to better address how your body can heal and feel. Dr. Shelly sits one-on-one with you do discuss your complete health history, your immediate needs, and health care goals. We will examine and assess your spine and nervous system function and formulate a specific plan to meet your unique needs. We want to develop the long-term goals and relationship as doctor/patient so you can ask questions, get involved, become more empowered in taking control of your health.